Saturday, April 6, 2019

How to wash your hands : 

                Aiman and Ali are cousins. They were out in the village to visit their grandmother for the holiday. Both boys were having so much fun playing around their grandmother Opah's house.
             Just like any city boys, they were intrigued by the nature around them. They saw many insects and birds all around. All afternoon til evening, they spent outside catching grasshoppers and playing with mud to make mud castle in exchange of sun castle they used to built at the beach. Aiman had so much fun rolling around the small hill and Ali loved splashing the cold water from the stream.               
                 The boys had so much fun until it was a little bit late as Opah called them for dinner. As soon as Opah saw the two boys, she couldn't help but laugh, they were both muddy and had twigs and leaves up their hair and shoes. They look exhausted. Aiman,who was so hungry, ran to the kitchen to savour the delicious fried chicken until Ali stopped him. He said that they both should clean up first before eating. 
             So, both Aiman and Ali took a bath and put on some clean clothes. As soon as they reached the kitchen, Opah asked them to wash their hands. Here were the steps and tips they used :
  1. Use warm or cold (not hot) water when you wash your hands.
  2. Use whatever soap you like. Some soaps come in cool shapes and colors or smell nice, but whatever kind gets you scrubbing is the kind you should use. Antibacterial soaps are OK to use, but regular soap works fine.
  3. Work up some lather on both sides of your hands (front and back!), your wrists, and between your fingers. Don't forget to wash around your nails. This is one place germs like to hide. Wash for about 10 to 15 seconds — about how long it takes to sing "Happy Birthday." (Sing it quickly two times or just once if you go nice and slow.)
  4. Rinse and dry well with a clean towel.

Visit link to see more videos on proper way to wash hands :

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